Creative Credits: Gijs Spoor and Rajat Bafna
Alivelihood Career Mela is designed to introduce youth to careers for a better tomorrow that keep your heart and mind healthy and make the planet come alive.
The Mela will bring together experts from India and beyond who are seasoned practitioners of these alivelihoods. The 5 day mela will enable participants to:
Explore over 16 eco-careers
Engage in dialogues with the alivelihood practitioners to understand nuances of each career
Witness simulation of the life ahead if they choose to pursue a particular career
Identify their purpose, passion and innate values and choose a career that combines the three
Build skills, community and connections to start their journey
Program Design

Series of talks by veterans on discovering alivelihoods, regenerative economy, navigating alternative careers and more!

Engage in deeper dialogue with practitioners of alivelihoods that you find most exciting

Meet other participants and create your own agenda. Find your tribe, community, and build a support system.

Workshops designed to help identify unique skills & Ikigai (purpose) and launch into an alivelihood.
Mela Structure
The Alivelihood Career Mela will be will be conducted from 14th to 18th of October 2020 and held through Zoom, Facebook Live and Basecamp.

Each day is divided into 4 parts:
Grounding - Speaker sessions for all participants.
Dialogue - Deeper conversation with an Alivelihood practitioner. There will be 4 sessions running parallely. Participants need to choose which speaker they want to engage with.
Hangouts - This is a free space to meet other participants and find your peers, community, support system and opportunities. Participants are free to be in this space for as much time as the want.
Launchpad - Small group workshops on focussed themes to help participants identify skills, Ikigai (purpose) and find tools and resources to launch into an alivelihood.
Please Note:
All the sessions, workshops etc are optional. You can attend any session you would like to.
The event will be held mostly in English, with generous sprinkling of Hindi.
The Alivelihood Career Mela has been dreamed up and designed by friends in the field of change-making and alternative economy active in our co-host organisations: Shikshantar Aandolan (Udaipur), Pitaara Unleashed and Social Entrepreneurship Association (Auroville), with the support of Indian Multiversity Alliance.